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CountryDATEX II usageUsed versionsInformation about custom/standard profiles usedRecorded experiences/feedback
AustriaYes;Version 3.3;;;Version 2.3;;Austrian Elementary Profile UNPLANNED EVENTS, which encompasses the RECOMMENDED REFERENCE PROFILE “SRTI” Austrian Elementary Profile TRAFFIC TRAVEL TIMES, which will encompass the RECOMMENDED REFERENCE PROFILE “RTTI” Austrian Elementary Profile REST AREAS, which will encompass the RECOMMENDED REFERENCE PROFILE “SSPA” Austrian Elementary Profile TRAFFIC SIGNS, which will encompass the RECOMMENDED REFERENCE PROFILE “TR” Austrian Elementary Profile PLANNED EVENTS, which includes Roadworks Austrian Elementary Profile TRAFFIC DATA, which holds data from traffic counters Austrian Elementary Profile TOLLING, which holds the location of the tolling stationsDatex II provides a lot of functionalities and data description possibilites but files are getting huge due to a lot of additional code text.
BelgiumYes;;;Version 3.0;Version 2.3;;The relevant datasets are published as web-link to a third party website where the DATEX II datasets are hosted.The NAP is set up as yellow pages providing references to the DATEX II datasets hosted on other websites/portals. In this design, the NAP operator is not notified when DATEX II datasets are consulted or exchanged between a data provider and a data user. The data user can file a complaint regarding the dataset to the NAP by sending an email to So far, no complaints regarding the DATEX II datasets were received by the NAP operator. Since the DATEXII feed of the traffic centre is open data, the traffic centre does not know who the users are. There are no known issues
BulgariaYes;;;;;;Version 2.0There is no an external data provider.No comment.
CroatiaYesVersion 3.4;;;;Version 2.3;;Standard profiles for Events, Counters, Travel times, VMS, Weather, Wind and, and VMS. Level B extension for Cameras. ( issues reported.
CzechiaYesVersion 3.4;Version 3.3;;;Version 2.3;;For all data source types, we provide a separate profile (schema, samples and documentation), all profiles have Czech location extensionThere are too many location referencing methods possible, RRP need to mention preffered ones. Also some location referencing is missing or hard to encode namely list of links from a shared map resource. Compatibility with RDS-TMC is critical since it is still supported channel and operators have to add extensions.
DenmarkYes;;Version 3.2;Version 3.0;Version 2.3;Version 2.0;We have a coustom made reference profile. but it is based on Delegated Act B and C (RTTI and SRTI).We still have issues regarding wind warnings directed at wind sensitive vehicle.
EnglandNot applicable
EstoniaYes;;;;Version 2.3;;noNo issues.
FinlandYes;;;;Version 2.3;;Datex profile available at
FranceYes;;;;Version 2.3;; tion_des_donnees_de_trafic_datexii.pdf
GermanyYesVersion 3.2;Version 2.0Roadworks, fuel data, traffic information, parkingHarmonised profiles as a consensus between data providers and data reusers
GreeceYes;;;;Version 2.3;;The Greek NAP includes DATEXII publications related to road weather data, rwis locations, vca traffic volumes, vca locations, vms messages, and vms locations. These publications make use of custom profiles that are based on datexII schema 2_0. There are no substantial technical issues with use of standard.
HungaryYes;Version 3.3;;;Version 2.3;;LiteNo customisation within Datex. No comments
IrelandYes;;;;Version 2.3;;No info to provideNo technical issues
ItalyYes;;;;Version 2.3;;We are using the Recommended Reference Profiles or Recommended Service Profiles as defined here: N/A
LatviaYesVersion 3.4;;Version 3.2;;;;We have used Recommended Reference Profiles or Recommended Service Profiles, with mandatory atributes adding atributes, that we own.There are no Recomended profiles for all data categories inluded in Regulations.
LithuaniaNot applicable
LuxemburgYes;;;;;;Version 2.0N/AN/A
NetherlandsYes;;;;Version 2.3;;Dutch profile 2015N/A
NorwayYes;;;;;;Version 3.1NAP in Norway are covering SRTI and partly RTTI recommended reference profiles and support partly the recommended service profiles as follows: • Forecast and Realtime Event Information • Traffic Condition and Travel Time Information • Speed Limit Information • Road Weather Information • Variable Speed Limits • Incident Warning and Management • More consistent model with concerns to mandatory fields, standardising RSP in this context could be valuable. • Make a minimum set of profiles required as part of making NAP data standardised. • More modern exchange mechanisms including broker based architectures.
PolandYes;;;;Version 2.3;;
PortugalYesVersion 3.0There is no formal profile schema, but some agreed upon requirements are satisfied for RTTI and SRTI. For RTTI, DATEX II’s Situation Publication, Parking Publication, Measured Data Publication, and Measurement Site Table Publication are used. The required parameters are the type of data, the location, the period of occurrence of the event or condition, and the quality of the data. For SRTI, DATEX II’s Situation Publication is used. The required parameters are the category of the event or condition, the location, and, if appropriate, driving behaviour advice.N/A
RomaniaYesVersion 2.3;Version 2.0Data exchange is done through REST and SOAP services (JSON Schema as well as XML Schema based on DATEX II)We dont have at the moment
SlovakiaYes;;;;;; are analysing DATEX II, in near future we will know moreCurrently the NAP project is redefined and prepared, there are no operations running.
SloveniaYesVersion 3.4;Version 3.3;;;Version 2.3;;SRTI and Safe and Secure Truck Parking Places- We think it would be wise to have a common publication for exchanging webcam data. We curently solved it with B-class DATEX II exstension, which is also published on DATEX II EU web site. - When implementing DATEX II 3.4 we experienced a lot of problems when preparing profiles with online tools. Previous desktop tool was more usable. We also had problems with getting support on time, so this should be improved in future for new implementors. - Better mapping between DATEX II and TRANSMODEL would be helpful.
SpainYes;;Version 3.2;;;Version 2.0;1.0Not applicable.None.
SwedenYes;;Version 3.2;;;;..
SwitzerlandYes;;;;Version 2.3;;Real time data from road traffic counters: much overhead for real time data. A "DATEX light" format would be helpful or moving to a general JSON-Format.