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National Bodies

AustriaAustriaTech GmbHAustriaTech GmbHAustriaTech GmbHAustriaTech GmbH
BelgiumAnyways (Anyways performs the quality control, some of the tasks of the National Body are performed by NAP operator)Anyways (Anyways performs the quality control, some of the tasks of the National Body are performed by NAP operator)Anyways (Anyways performs the quality control, some of the tasks of the National Body are performed by NAP operator)Anyways (Anyways performs the quality control, some of the tasks of the National Body are performed by NAP operator)
Bulgariahave nohave nohave nohave no
CyprusNot ApplicablePublic Works Department (PWD), Ministry of Transport, Communication and WorksPublic Works Department (PWD), Ministry of Transport, Communication and WorksPublic Works Department (PWD), Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works
CzechiaThe Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic temporarily carries out the duty of the nominated body. Currently the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic undertakes to seek more appropriate solution for setting up the organisational model of conformity assessment procedures required by relevant Commission ITS Delegated Regulations.The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic temporarily carries out the duty of the nominated body. Currently the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic undertakes to seek more appropriate solution for setting up the organisational model of conformity assessment procedures required by relevant Commission ITS Delegated Regulations.The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic temporarily carries out the duty of the nominated body. Currently the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic undertakes to seek more appropriate solution for setting up the organisational model of conformity assessment procedures required by relevant Commission ITS Delegated Regulations.The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic temporarily carries out the duty of the nominated body. Currently the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic undertakes to seek more appropriate solution for setting up the organisational model of conformity assessment procedures required by relevant Commission ITS Delegated Regulations.
DenmarkN/AThe legal department at the Danish Road Directorate ( legal department at the Danish Road Directorate (
EstoniaMinistry of Economic Affairs and CommunicationsMinistry of Economic Affairs and CommunicationsMinistry of Economic Affairs and CommunicationsMinistry of Economic Affairs and Communications
FinlandFinnish Transport and Communications AgencyFinnish Transport and Communications AgencyFinnish Transport and Communications AgencyFinnish Transport and Communications Agency
GermanyNationale Stelle für Verkehrsdaten / NASTNationale Stelle für Verkehrsdaten / NASTNationale Stelle für Verkehrsdaten / NASTNationale Stelle für Verkehrsdaten / NAST
GreeceRoad Toll Service - Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Road Toll Service - Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Road Toll Service - Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport Road Toll Service - Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
HungaryMinistry of Construction and TransportMinistry of Construction and TransportMinistry of Construction and TransportMinistry of Construction and Transport
IrelandNot applicableTransport Infrastructure IrelandTransport Infrastructure IrelandNational Transport Authority
ItalyART – Autorità di regolazione dei Trasporti ART – Autorità di regolazione dei Trasporti N/AN/A
Latvia National body representing policy level – Ministry of Transport Republic of Latvia / National body representing operational level – SJSC Latvian State Roads National body representing policy level – Ministry of Transport Republic of Latvia / National body representing operational level – SJSC Latvian State Roads National body representing policy level – Ministry of Transport Republic of Latvia / National body representing operational level – SJSC Latvian State Roads National body representing policy level – Ministry of Transport Republic of Latvia / National body representing operational level – SJSC Latvian State Roads
LithuaniaState Enterprise Lithuanian Road AdministrationState Enterprise Lithuanian Road AdministrationState Enterprise Lithuanian Road AdministrationLithuanian transport safety administration
Luxemburgde facto the Ministry, but national roads administration is sole providerde facto the Ministry, but national roads administration is sole providerde facto the Ministry, but national roads administration is sole providerAdministration des Transports Publics
NetherlandsRDWRDWNo national bodyNo national body
NorwayN/AThe Road Supervisory AuthorityThe Road Supervisory AuthorityNot yet appointed
Poland“Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego” (eng. Chief Road Transport Inspectorate)“Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego” (eng. Chief Road Transport Inspectorate)“Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego” (eng. Chief Road Transport Inspectorate)---
PortugalThe activities foreseen for the National Body are currently embedded in the activities of IMT – Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I.P.The activities foreseen for the National Body are currently embedded in the activities of IMT – Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I.P.The activities foreseen for the National Body are currently embedded in the activities of IMT – Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I.P.The activities foreseen for the National Body are currently embedded in the activities of IMT – Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I.P.
RomaniaRomanian Road AuthorityRomanian Road AuthorityMinistry of Transport and InfrastructureMinistry of Transport and Infrastructure
SlovakiaMinistry of Transport of the Slovak RepublicMinistry of Transport of the Slovak RepublicMinistry of Transport of the Slovak RepublicMinistry of Transport of the Slovak Republic
SloveniaNTMC Slovenia NTMC Slovenia NTMC Slovenia NTMC Slovenia
SpainMinistry of Transport, Mobility and Urban AgendaGeneral Directorate for Traffic of Spain (Dirección General de Tráfico -DGT). Ministry of Interior (Ministerio del Interior)General Directorate for Traffic of Spain (Dirección General de Tráfico -DGT). Ministry of Interior (Ministerio del Interior)Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda
Switzerlandnot applicablenot applicablenot applicablenot applicable